Do a little holy thing…

Benedicaria is an Italian Folk Magic practice. A spirituality that is deeply rooted in indigenous Southern Italian and Sicilian culture…a place where the Old Ways meet Catholicism. The veneration of saints, dedicating novenas to them, honoring the healing potential of botanicals, native herbs, and plants, utilizing folk remedies to mend, heal and cure ailments…Fashioning talismans to bring good fortune, while repelling the malocchio and evil spirits…Placing the hands in mudras to ward off bad intentions.

I am reminded of my grandmother’s 24/7 & 365 novena to St. Jude.

I am reminded of the Madonna in the garden in the backyard.

I think about the rosary I said while sitting beside my grandfather as he neared the end of his life.

I listen to old stories of the malocchio and how they watched “the cure” be performed.

There are many, many more, but I choose to be brief. “To do a little holy thing” is at the center of what Benedicaria really is. Through our dedication and devotionals, the mundane becomes magical. Through this practice, I have learned, it is the small acts, done with a full heart and focused intention, which make all the difference.

What little holy thing will you do today?


What is a Strega?